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Lote 50

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Lote 50
Lote 50
Category: Fine Arts

Anita Malfatti

Auctioneer: Francesco Budano Junior
This piece will be proclaimed on 01/10/2024 às 20:30h
Exhibition in SELUM LEILÕES - VISITAS SOMENTE COM HORA MARCADA - 16/09/2024 to 01/10/2024 in between 12:00h and 20:00h
Rua Dr. Guilherme Bannitz, 126, Conj.31, Vila Nova Conceição - São Paulo - SP
Phone: +55 (11) 94703-2084 / +55 (11) 96155-6905 / +11 (11) 99692-2466
Artist of this work: Anita Malfatti



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