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Lote 122

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Lote 122
Lote 122

Wagner Bottaro

Auctioneer: Errol Flynn Lopes Pereira dos Reis
This piece will be proclaimed on 07/11/2024 às 20:00h
Exhibition in Bruno Reis Escritorio de Arte- 01/11/2024 to 06/11/2024 in between 10:00h and 19:00h
Av Raja Gabaglia , 2000, Torre 01 - Loja 08, Alpes- Belo Horizonte - MG
Phone: +55 (31) 97572-1615 / +55 (31) 2555-6940
Artist of this work: Wagner Bottaro



Artec guiadasartes Artec ProjetoGraciano