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About Us
Our Story

The people who admires the artistic expression has a strong wish: that through attitudes, their art will stay in the memory and hearts of people, creating positive and magical moments, providing pleasant memories.

No doubt that art has a noble value, that adds knowledge and beauty to the soul of people.

When we created IARREMATE Portal, I was sure it was going to be an asset to any person, institution or company, offering precious aid for the promotion of art and artists.

After 12 months of gestation (analysis, market research, design and programming), commitment and unconditional dedication of our software engineer, borns at 18:30 hrs of the day 3 of March, 2013 the IARREMATE Portal.

Modernity and media convergence requires us to have intelligent and inclusive solutions, so we have intelligent links of our expert disclosure in network media to generate greater visibility to our content and our partners.

A constantly evolving market demands of us a great commitment, so I say: the arts deserve such a portal. I am convinced that our future, our artists and those who hire us will undoubtedly be a success.


To be a reference and recognized the best and most efficient vehicle of specialized online media of the Brazilian art market


Promote the art market in Brazil, prospect and generate business.


Respect, honesty, transparency, confidentiality, entrepreneurship, innovation.


Expansion and integration of electronic art market in Brazil.



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